How to Tape a Hockey Stick?

How to Tape a Hockey Stick?

Hockey sticks need a sticky wrap (tape) to help players hold and control the puck better. Here’s how to do it yourself:

  1. Start at the pointy end (toe) of the flat part (blade) of the stick. Make sure the sticky part of the tape is touching the blade. Wrap the tape around the toe, overlapping a little each time to make it nice and strong.

  2. Keep wrapping the tape up the curved part of the blade to the other end (heel). You can cover the whole blade or just some of it, depending on what you like.

  3. Once you reach the heel, wrap the tape around the handle to make it easier to grip. You can use one layer for a basic grip, or add more layers for a thicker and softer feel.

  4. When you get to the end of the handle, cut the tape clean. You can also add a small bump (knob) at the end with some extra tape to make it more comfy to hold.

Taping a hockey stick serves both functional and practical purposes beyond mere aesthetics. A properly taped stick offers improved grip, protects the blade from wear and tear, and enhances puck control. Additionally, it adds a layer of cushioning, absorbing impact from puck collisions and stick checks, thus reducing shock to the player’s hands. Also, read about How many periods in hockey

Importance of Taping a Hockey Stick

The way you tape your hockey stick can significantly influence your performance on the ice. A well-taped stick ensures a secure grip, allowing for precise shots, passes, and maneuvers. Moreover, it acts as a shield, safeguarding the stick from damage, which ultimately extends its lifespan and saves you from frequent replacements, thus proving cost-effective in the long run.

Exploring Different Types of Tape for Hockey Sticks

When it comes to taping your hockey stick, you’re faced with various options tailored to suit different preferences and playing styles. While traditional cloth hockey tape remains the popular choice due to its durability and grip, alternatives such as friction tape or grip tape offer unique textures and adhesive properties, catering to individual needs.

Preparing the Hockey Stick for Taping

Before embarking on the taping process, it’s crucial to prepare the stick adequately. Start by cleaning the blade and handle to eliminate any dirt, debris, or remnants of old tape. This ensures a clean surface for the new tape to adhere to firmly, thereby maximizing grip and longevity. Discover more about What is icing in hockey

Step-by-Step Guide to Taping a Hockey Stick

Choosing the Tape

Selecting the right tape is paramount for a successful tape job. Consider factors such as texture, thickness, and adhesive strength, aligning them with your personal preferences and playing requirements.

Preparing the Stick

Begin by anchoring the tape to the bottom of the blade, leaving a slight overhang to prevent unraveling. Proceed to wrap the tape tightly around the blade in overlapping layers, ensuring complete coverage and a smooth finish.

Applying the Tape on the Blade

Maintain consistent tension as you wrap the tape around the blade, paying attention to the edges and corners to prevent premature wear. A uniform application ensures optimal performance and durability.

Wrapping the Handle

Transitioning to the handle, start from the top and work your way down, overlapping each wrap slightly to create a secure grip. Experiment with different wrapping techniques to find the one that suits your comfort and preference.

Securing the Tape

Once you’ve reached the bottom of the handle, secure the tape in place with a few tightly wound wraps. Trim any excess tape and smooth out any wrinkles or creases for a polished look.

Tips for a Perfect Tape Job
Tips for a Perfect Tape Job

Tips for a Perfect Tape Job

  • Experiment with various tape patterns and techniques to find what works best for you.
  • Regularly replace your tape to maintain optimal grip and performance.
  • Consider using waxed or friction tape for enhanced grip, especially in damp or humid conditions.
  • Keep a spare roll of tape in your equipment bag for quick repairs during games or practices.

Maintaining the Tape on Your Hockey Stick

Proper maintenance is key to prolonging the lifespan of your tape job. After each use, wipe down your stick with a damp cloth to remove dirt and sweat buildup. Avoid exposing your stick to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight, as this can degrade the tape prematurely.


Mastering the art of taping your hockey stick is essential for players of all levels. By following the guidelines outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can ensure that your stick is always ready for action, providing you with the control, grip, and performance you need on the ice.


What type of tape should I use?

The most commonly used tape for taping hockey sticks is traditional cloth hockey tape due to its durability and grip. However, alternative options such as friction tape or grip tape are available for those seeking unique textures and adhesive properties.

How often should I retape my hockey stick?

It’s advisable to retape your hockey stick regularly, especially with frequent use. Most players retape their sticks every few games or whenever the tape begins to show signs of wear and tear.

Can I use electrical tape instead of hockey tape?

While electrical tape may seem like a convenient alternative, it lacks the durability and grip of traditional hockey tape. It’s best to stick with specialized hockey tape for optimal performance.

How tight should I wrap the handle?

The tightness of your handle wrap is a matter of personal preference. Some players prefer a tighter wrap for maximum grip, while others opt for a looser wrap for added comfort.

How do I remove old tape from my hockey stick?

To remove old tape from your hockey stick, carefully peel it off starting from one end and working your way across. Use a cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol to remove any stubborn residue.

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